Seriously, Gossip Girl lead me to this magazine. BE is the like a glossy, french, gossip, fashion magazine. While in Paris I made it to the Presse stand and bought a few(Prettymommy yours in going in the mail asap promise). I can barely read a word but pictures don't lie.
They seem to be obsessed with the typical American fashion ladies; Kristen Stewart, Blake Lively, Kate Bosworth and even the freaking Kardashian's! Oh help us all.
One of my copies of BE features a cover story about Marion Cotillard's trip to the Congo. So, like the American rag mag's they throw in some socially conscience stuff too.
There are numerous amounts of pages devoted to handbags. Designs from French favorites, Le Tanneur and Karine Arabian. They also love their shoes! Maloles and cheaper brands like La Halle.
BE's website is fun to roam around. Make your friend who is heading to Paris pick you up a copy. It's the least she can do. It's the cheapest gift in Paris at 1.50 EURO.
Sarah x
You're the best Sarah!!! xoxo