Thursday, September 29, 2011

It's a big baby BOY!

It's a boy!!!
Sonny was born last week.
Sept 21 at 7:29am
8.5 LBS 20 IN

Holy Cow is right.
He is an eating champ.  Shocking I know...
Lots to write about and discuss but for now I am relaxing and enjoying this dude.
Promise to write more soon.  Just give me a minute.

I can tell you some things:
The word PLAN and the sentence GIVE BIRTH does not really go together for my birth story.  Breastfeeding is fun, tiring and hurts but I enjoy it.  Ummm yes I do realize I am one week in.

So pictures to come and more birth, baby, houseware, vintage, food and fun stuff ahead!!
Sarah x
(cupcakes from JOANS ON THIRD.  Thanks Sam.  My special BF who sent two great care packages to our house when I returned from the hospital!)

1 comment:

  1. CONGRATS! So happy for you guys and LOVE the name : )




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